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Testimonials: Green Tea Helps Relieve Headache, Migraine, Toothache, Pain
Disclaimer: the followings are just ordinary customers casually talking about how the green tea working on them. The statements may be misleading. It must be known that any health improvement of the people is due to a combination of their diet change, doing more exercises, taking green tea and luck.
1. Drink Green Tea, 1 Minute, Headache Gone
2. Headache Gone Right Away
3.Chew a Few Pieces, Headache is Leaving
4. Green Tea Got Rid of Migraine
5. Green Tea Relieves Bad Headache
7. Green Tea Helps Relieve Headache
6. Chewing Green Tea Relieve Toothache
8. Relieve Back Pain
9. No More Medicine?
10. Green Tea Relieves Kidney Pain
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